BREAKING THE INTERNET... Well, maybe not yet.

Starting a written piece of work, I find, is almost always the most challenging part. So firstly I'll address the cliche's - who am I?

There it is, that simple ice breaker that suddenly makes you question if even you know anything about yourself? Errrr... What are my hobbies again?!

My name is Alice, and I'm a 20 year old psychology undergraduate at Bangor University. I am a tea lover, engaged to a wonderful man, and enjoy dark thriller shows. In psychology, I'm interested in person centered and humanistic therapies, personality, and social cognition. For my dissertation I'm studying social neuroscience, specifically trait inference (a pretty fancy way of saying "how we think about people").

I've pondered over the idea of writing a blog for some time. Even in my pre-adolescent Tumblr years I could never quite gather the motivation, or content for that matter, to write something. Unless you'd all rather hear about a thirteen-year-old's boy troubles, how much I loved Paramore, and cute miniature animals? I thought not. 

So what has brought me to the beginning of this blog? Since studying psychology at university, my thirst for understanding the world around me has only grown fiercely, and during my first year I began to struggle with my mental health. The irony amused me; I was studying people, thoughts, mental health, relationships - whilst simultaneously battling my own demons. A year on, I hope to write about my first-hand experiences and advice and my own strategies of coping with anxiety and generally how to maintain a healthy mind.  I will write posts about stigma, general chat about being a human, and lots of topics in psychology which get me going!

I welcome all comments, and would love to know what you think about my posts. Or even if you'd like to strike up a conversation about a topic, feel free :-)

Thanks for reading


  1. Hi Alice,

    Here's to breaking the Internet! :) And really, some days I wish someone would, because life would get a hell of a lot easier and I'd be way more productive and less tortured about deadlines.

    I follow you on Pinterest and saw your post, and when I read the mental health part, I got curious. I'm muddling my way through some mental health issues myself (anxiety, depression, and OCPD), and also getting counselling and taking a CBT course. The journey is interesting, to say the least, but it's also frustrating as @$%*. So anything to help!

    Thanks for posting this and for creating your blog. Keep putting your stuff out there. :)

    1. Hi Steph!

      Thanks so much for your comment. Hopefully the ideas I have for posts will help you out in some way! You're right, and every journey is one of a kind, that's why I think it's so important that people share their own experiences. I think we'd see that we have little things in common :)

      Thanks for your comment again Steph, I should have a post up by the end of the week!

      Speak soon

